Sunday, July 26, 2009

He's toast - He promised reform, but failed to deliver. He presided over a health-care plan without regards to costs and now he's raised taxes to pay for profligate spending. I'm talking about Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick, of course, who IMO has virtually no chance of re-election. Boston Globe: "Patrick support plummets, poll finds."


  1. Bryan L1:14 PM

    If push comes to shove, Devil will most likely get a job in DC with his ideological butt buddy Hussein. Otherwise, he'll cruise to re-election since the RATs will "encourage" Cahill and that little turd Mihos to run in the general, which will be enough to split the non-RAT vote and allow Patrick (assuming he can survive the Primaries) to cruise in the General Election.

  2. He'll either get a job from Obama or go down playing the race card.

  3. New health care czar? He's done such a great job in Massachusetts.
