Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Blue Dogs fail to heel

Fox: "Key House panel cancels health care session"

A key House committee on Tuesday indefinitely postponed voting on health care reform legislation, after Democratic leaders were unable to line up enough votes from moderate members of their own party.
The House Energy and Commerce Committee canceled the session as it faced serious concerns about the legislation from fiscally conservative Blue Dog Democrats, who hold a large number of seats on the panel.
I ask again: where is the national crisis that requires a new, expensive, government bureaucracy to re-wire one-sixth of the U.S. economy?

More than eight in 10 Americans questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corp. survey released Thursday said they're satisfied with the quality of health care they receive.
Well, that's the vox populi. What do the pros at the world's pre-eminent health care service think of this legislation?

President Obama might have touted the Mayo Clinic as a model of healthcare delivery, but the Minnesota medical center is hardly showing affection for House Democrats' healthcare reform proposals.
The Clinic believes the proposed House legislation "misses the opportunity to help create higher-quality, more affordable health care for patients," it said on its Health Policy Blog. "In fact, it will do the opposite."
Ouch: that's a kick in the shin that no doctor will treat with government-set reimbursement rates.

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