Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Thank Washington for that pothole

Boston Globe: "Road fund running low, Obama says"
The Obama administration is warning lawmakers that the trust fund that pays for highway construction will go broke in August unless Congress approves an infusion of as much as $7 billion.
How is it possible that the federal government can spare $50 billion for General Motors, run a $2 trillion deficit, but still not have enough money to keep the roads paved? Seven billion dollars nowadays is a rounding error.


  1. Eric, its cousin Matty. How are you and the family? Hope all is well. Things good here. Googled grandpas name and your post on viking came up, great story! Say hello to all, take care.

  2. Yeah, your sister found it awhile back too (Patricia).

    You'll have to send me your email address. Hope your family is doing well. I'll tell Mom you stopped by.
