Friday, June 05, 2009

Load the plutonium into the DeLorean - Here's some fun-ness to start off the weekend: "15 essential moments to (re)visit if you had a time machine."  It goes into the past as well as the future (e.g. first contact with an alien species, Cubs win the World Series).

Just off the top of my head, I would add the crucifixion of Jesus, Pickett's Charge at the Battle of Gettysburg, and the moment that Alexander Graham Bell called for Watson and opened the age of telecommunication.  For the future: mankind travels to another planet, Mars I suppose.


  1. DFWMTX9:48 AM

    I'd place a few remote cameras to catch the Tunguska event, as well as a hidden on in the Texas School Book Depository just so we know what it was that actually happened.

    I'd also make a "Great Historical Speeches Live" video series to sell. Get Jesus giving the Beatitutdes, or Lincoln reciting the Gettysburg address.

  2. You know that moment in history when King Henry II delivered a gift to dramatists for a thousand years to come by insulting all his noblemen collected in front of him for their stupidity, and then complaining about Thomas Becket, "Who will rid me of this meddlesome priest?"

    Then they proved his point by riding off to Canterbury and murdering Becket while he was actually on the altar at Canterbury Cathederal?

    I'd give a lot to send a spycam back in time to capture the scene when they returned and told Henry what they did.

    "We got rid of that meddlesome priest for you. Right on the altar of the Cathederal. In your name!"

    "You what?"
