Friday, June 19, 2009

Linear programming and stuff - Blogging may be light this weekend as I'm working on my take-home exam for Decision Analysis. It involves a small amount of programming, the likes of which I haven't worked on since my Fortran days.

That's right: I said "Fortran." Laugh it up, kids.


  1. Albie7:15 AM

    Eric, it's nice to see that someone else remembers Fortran. It used to be a mandatory class requirement for technical/engineering majors, and was very efficient in computation. Its demise was hastened by its complexity and the years of experience needed to master it.

  2., I haven't seen that language since my college courses in the early 90s....

  3. Yeah, I graduated in 1991 so it was the late 1980s.

  4. FORTRAN, my first programming language way back in the mid-1970's while studying Engineering. Were any of you using the old Hollerith punch cards or had you moved on to somewhat more modern programming technology by then?

    One thing I learned about using the punch cards: make sure you numbered them in sequence in the "comment" block. It made it easier to get them back in order after you dropped your box of 600 cards just before loading them into the batch reader!

  5. Wow, this is the most comments I've gotten on a post for a while.

    Take THAT, naked Lindsay Lohan!

  6. chris1:07 PM

    FORTRAN? Bah Humbug!

    REAL programmers write in assembler.
