Monday, June 08, 2009

It's up to you, New York, New York

Wow, I don't think anybody saw this one coming: "Two Dems defect in NY Senate, control flips to GOP." Ed Morrissey adds some perspective: "What better way to complete a day in which Barack Obama’s economic policies lose the majority in a Gallup poll, Dems lose the edge on the GOP in a Rasmussen poll on economics, and the Supreme Court apparently blocks Obama’s dictatorial dissolution of an American carmaker than to highlight a “parliamentary coup” in Albany, NY?"

Suddenly the zombie party of the GOP is showing some life, and only a little more than 100 days into the Chosen One's administration. Evan Thomas, deploy the sycophantic/teenage crush prose! Accelerate to spending speed! Stand by to release the bonds!


  1. Anonymous2:14 AM

    All hail the New Republican Resurrection! It's built on the sturdy foundations of a temporary stay by the noted conservative Ruth Bader Ginsberg, a Queens state-senator-slash-perp who's about to be expelled from office, and poll numbers that show Obama with a 55-42% approval rating on the economy. (And what's with the sudden Gallup love? Apparently, true wingers only pay attention to polls when they're about somebody else.)

    For now, projecting anything onto this wave of HUGE NEWS is a "we're good enough, darn it!" group hug. Any port in a storm.

  2. Quote6:24 PM

    "Of course, stock market is up 10% since Obama took office (after taking what, a 40-percent drop the last year Bush was in office?), and remember how those first few weeks of Obama's presidency, the stock market was the ultimate arbiter of how Obama was doing? Poor Republicans can't keep it all straight.

    And really, Republicans need to pace themselves. Obama will be president another 92 weeks."

  3. The goofiness of Albany sometimes makes Beacon Hill look organized...

  4. Anonymous10:56 PM

    ...and the Supreme Court apparently blocks Obama’s dictatorial dissolution of an American carmaker

    Wow, that GOP victory lasted a long time.

  5. Anonymous10:12 AM

    And now, the soon to be ex-State Senator Hiram Monserrate is back to being a loyal Democrat. The GOP takeover: no more take, just over.

    That's 2 indicators down, out of 3. But don't despair! Go, zombie Republican comeback, go!
