Sunday, June 07, 2009

Heck of a job, Baracky - Gateway Pundit: "Big government spending programs having opposite effect on economy."  Unemployment is spiking, the deficit is exploding, and the bond markets are spooked because "investors are saying the Fed can't just print money out of thin air..."  So instead of tamping down mortgage rates so distressed homeowners can refinance, nervous bond investors are pushing rates higher.

Extra - Some humor from Vodkapundit: "The grand unification theory of sucking."


  1. Anonymous5:51 AM

    It's amusing to see the Bushies, who kept saying that Iraq just needed more time, and that the economy actually tanked years ago on Clinton's watch, and that only distant history would properly judge their strong leader's accomplishments, already declaring INSTA-FAIL on a bill that has largely not gone into effect yet.

    Of course, Republicans have many excellent reasons for hating "now" as much as they do.

  2. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Funny, that. Iraq did just need some more time (and troops). Have you noticed we actually won?

    And isn't it telling that, despite the fact that your bill hasn't gone into effect yet, all economic factors are telling the world it's already failed?

    Oh well. Keep ignoring.

  3. Anonymous7:35 PM

    "Funny, that. Iraq did just need some more time (and troops). Have you noticed we actually won? Oh well. Keep ignoring."

    Hey, I remember that victory! It was the same day as the magical apple shower that solved world hunger! Nutrition accomplished!

    Ah, my triumphant friend, if only wishes were fishes... have you noticed that Scarlett Johansson totally wants me? Funny, that.

  4. "Republicans have many excellent reasons for hating "now" as much as they do"

    Is that a racism allegation? Talk about the last refuge... Next you'll be dredging up Dubya and Clinton, oh, too late.

    Why isn't the stimulus money being spent? This was a cornerstone of Obama's recovery plan (remember "shovel ready") and unemployment is spiking. Either Obams is negligent for not distributing funds or the $1 trillion plan is a bust and now we owe that cash to the Chinese.

    Or both!

  5. Anonymous1:51 AM

    "Republicans have many excellent reasons for hating "now" as much as they do"

    Is that a racism allegation? Talk about the last refuge...

    Er... what?!?

  6. My apologies. I thought you were implying something else.
