Sunday, May 10, 2009

Time to clean house, Massachusetts-style

Just when I thought things couldn't get any more surreal in the Bay State, they find new ways to dig deeper and waste taxpayer money. From the Boston Globe "Little Dig in danger"

The cost of the MBTA's plan to build a 1.1-mile bus tunnel under downtown Boston has now officially grown to $2.1 billion, nearly $1 billion more than the estimate from 2006. Just a few months ago, in December, the project budget was about $1.5 billion.
Two billion dollars to go a single mile! There's a little less than 70,000 inches in 1.1 miles, so that means it's costing thirty grand to go every inch.

Friday's report downgraded the project's rating, meaning the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority will not qualify for a 60 percent federal match unless it can prove the state has the money to pay its share and operate the transit system without falling deeper into financial ruin.
Massachusetts just raised the sales tax to close the state's deficit and the Turnpike Authority is a complete mess. There's no way we can pay for Little Big Dig. It's time to throw the bums out, like this guy suggests:

As I read in the Globe of yet another back-door fleecing of the struggling taxpayers by our impossibly arrogant lawmakers ("Pension boost aids lawmakers"), I am left to wonder: Just what will it take to get voters to stop rubber-stamping these folks into office?

Hopefully those officials who are up for reelection next time will find out.
Enough already.

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