Monday, April 27, 2009

Situation normal: Osama Bin Laden dead or maybe not: "President Asif Ali Zardari said Monday that Pakistani Intelligence believes that Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden is dead but acknowledged they had no evidence."

That and $4 will get you a latte at Starbucks. We should have expected no less from a guy named "As if!"
Update (4/28) - OMG, that was a typo. Thanks, eagle-eyed commenter!


  1. AM

    George W. Bush made this vow about Bin Laden: "dead or alive." And by God, he kept that promise.

  2. Dead, or so fucked up that to show him on video would vastly diminish his stature. But I'm going with dead. The man's too much of a narcissist not to have put out a video going neener neener neener before now, which means the fact that he hasn't is a damned good indicator of his non-public demise or his complete exit from the field. Which amounts to same thing from a strategic point of view. Either he died a natural death(the fucker was old and didn't exactly live in a sanitary environment), or was fragged in such away that no one ever found/identified the body.

  3. "Obama Bin Laden"

    Is that anything like "Obama Bin Biden?"

  4. Reality bites3:12 PM

    Keep dreaming your sweet dreams of secret, unacknowledged victory, Ravenshrike. Even as Bin Laden (or maybe Frank Calliendo) continues to make specific references to current news events.

  5. And yet, reality boy, not a single god damned audio snippet of new events comes with accompanying video.

  6. Reality bites8:34 PM

    I fear Raven has confused Osama Bin Laden with 2Pac.
