Monday, April 13, 2009

Hybrid limousine liberal environmentalism

How's that for a word chain? Anyway, here's "Green is the new luxury" from this Sunday's Boston Globe:

Protecting the environment is seen as a liberal cause, but new research suggests that it may be just as much a "limousine liberal" cause. Researchers were tipped off by surveys showing that people bought the Toyota Prius primarily because it made a personal statement, not because of environmental conservation. This led the researchers to theorize that so-called green products allow people to signal not only their altruism but their ability to afford altruism. In other words, green products are now status symbols. In several experiments, people who first read a short story that primed thoughts about status competition were then more likely to prefer a green product. However, when status was taken out of the equation - by telling people that they'd be shopping in private or that the green product was cheaper - people were actually somewhat less likely to prefer the green product. These findings imply that marketers should sell green products as a form of luxury, rather than as a form of charity.

Griskevicius, V. et al., "Going Green to Be Seen: Status, Reputation, and Conspicuous Conservation," University of Minnesota (March 2009).
But then that would mean all those Hollywood greens are phonies. Say it ain't so!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:55 PM

    would greatly appreciate if you shared this.

    Contact: Sheridan Folger, Co-Founder Foundation for Conservative Solutions 603-534-7932


    BOSTON-- While there are over 1600 tea parties planned around the nation for this coming tax day, April 15, one of the largest and certainly the most symbolic will be held in Boston. Thousands of participants are anticipated to gather to hear some of the nation's leading public policy leaders address why our federal government's policies of excessive economic micromanagement, punitive taxation, and unprecedented wasteful spending are proving damaging to American freedom.

    The Boston Tea Party on Tax Day will be held:

    Date: Wednesday April 15, 2009
    Time: 11am ET to 9pm ET (speakers can be heard from noon to 2pm ET)
    Location: Massachusetts State House at 24 Beacon Street, Boston

    From noon to 2pm, the following speakers will address the Boston Tax Day Tea Party, which will be emceed by WRKO Radio host Todd Feinburg:

    **Jim Stergios, Executive Director, Pioneer Institute
    **Massachusetts State Senator Bob Hedlund (R-Weymouth)
    **Barry Hinckley, Fair Tax
    **David Tuerck, Beacon Hill Institute
    **Carla Howell, Center for Small Government
    **Chip Faulkner, Citizens for Limited Taxation
    **Michael Johns, national conservative leader and former White House speechwriter and Heritage Foundation policy analyst
    **Brad Marston, Foundation for Conservative Solutions
    **Sheridan Folger, Sovereignty Alliance

    The event, which is expected to feature prominently in national media coverage of the Tax Day Tea Parties, is open to the public and media.
