Tuesday, April 21, 2009

From the KGB archives - Commentary magazine has web-only preview of "I.F. Stone, Soviet agent - case closed."  Quote: "To put it plainly, from 1936 to 1939 I.F. Stone was a Soviet spy."  OK, then.


  1. No he wasn't. Karl Rove infiltrated the KGB archives and replaced them with American propoganda.

  2. Anonymous5:44 PM

    One-Joke Johnson strikes again!

    I.F. Stone also denounced Stalin's crimes in 1934 and 1937 (calling his regime "thugs and racketeers'), criticized the Eisenhower administration in 1953 for its courtly pleasantries on the occasion of Stalin's death, and visited Russia in 1956 before returning with a deeply negative report. He was just as soft on liberals. Stone opposed FDR's expansive New Deal (calling it "fascist"... hmm, that rhetoric seems familiar somehow), dismissed Kennedy as an "optical illusion," and was alone in debunking LBJ's Tonkin Gulf story in real time. Truly, the ultimate useful idiot!

  3. Snapdragon10:18 PM

    That red dupe Stone always said that his reporting was "not possible in Moscow.''

    The context: Commentary Magazine has had a grudge against Stone ever since he dared to criticize Israel in 1967.

    Though the authors' intent is to slam Stone at every turn, the article spins wisps of insinuation into damning evidence. They could've titled their article "Case Closed, Debate Over, We Win, Izzy Stinks" and it still wouldn't accomplish their actual goal, made clear in the opening sentence: taking down one of the so-called "pantheon of left-wing heroes." (As the previous post makes clear, I.F. Stone did a more effective job questioning left-wing heroes than this thinly-sourced Commentary article could do.)

    The magazine doesn't even get the little things right. The authors claim that Stone's newsletter lost "a substantial portion of its readership" when he finally, at long last, turned against Russia for realy-real in the mid-1950s. In fact, Stone's newsletter didn't debut UNTIL the mid-1950s. Its circulation increased thirteenfold over the next 18 years.
