Saturday, March 21, 2009

Where did my rights go?  I had them just an election ago - Powerline asks "Are we a banana republic?": "If the Pelosi bill is actually enacted into law (which I still think is doubtful) and upheld by the courts, there is no limit to the arbitrary power of Congress. In that event, we have no property rights and there is no Constitution--no equal protection clause, no due process clause, no impairment of contracts clause, no bill of attainder/ex post facto law clause. Instead, we are living in a majoritarian tyranny."


  1. Anonymous4:11 PM

    This is garbage law, sure to be overturned. However, it is eye-opening to see the Republicans suddenly get a bellyache about flawed, specifically targeted applications of law (Bush v. Gore; Terri Schaivo bill S.686; "Rove v. Siegelman").

    There's nothing like minority status to clear the mind, and stiffen one's ethics.

  2. So, in other words, we'll be living in the America that Dems said we were under Bush...
