Friday, March 06, 2009

So Megan purchased a grill at Home Depot - But now she doesn't want it, and feels that the credit card company knew she might not want it, but irresponsibly lent her the money for the grill anyway, so it's really their fault.  You can see where this is going.


  1. Anonymous1:18 AM

    Nod approvingly, young man. Nod approvingly.

    Some day a legal motion will come to feel reflexive and normal. When you come to nderstand that no one is EVER TRULY at fault, THEN you'll know you're the son of someone hoe arrived.


  2. As usual, you are just trying to distract from the real culprits: Bush and Rove. They forced Megan to buy the grill because she will only be able to afford to grill mice and insects to eat thanks to Bush's economic policies and Bush's desire to make Haliburton, Diebold, Big Oil, and Blackwater rich. Stop trying to act like it was anyone other than Bush, you racist, Capitalist pig.

  3. Anonymous11:26 AM

    The man with one joke tells it again.

  4. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Actually, I have to think it's really Home Depot's fault for having grills in the first place. I think it would be much better if we simply eliminated all retailers and on everyone's 18th birthday we just gave them a 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath house, with a 3 car garage, and a deck (along with a grill of course) just because they are "special" and are a valued US citizen. Since the government is bailing out all of the mortgages, this just seems smarter to "cut out the middle man." Now I'm not sure where everyone will work yet, but I think we can put them to work building roads and infrastructure with the new stimulus package.

  5. Anonymous8:25 PM

    HEY now! That searing satire never gets less funny! (It can't, of course. But that's a technicality.)

    Go ahead, prove it 5,000 more times.
