Monday, March 02, 2009

Here we go again, part 2, um four – AoSHQ "AIG Bailout #4": "Tomorrow (that is, Monday), AIG is expected to announce the single largest value loss of suffered by a company in a single quarter. The announcement will be made concurrently with the announcement of AIG's latest bailout from Treasury. This will be the fourth AIG bailout."

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me...ah, here's some more money.

Remember when AIG was "too big to fail"? Well, what if there's nothing to prevent it from failing no matter how many life lines we throw? There seems to be no bottom to the crisis and no other solution than to shovel more taxpayer money into this Titanic.

Extra - Minuteman: "AIG Round Four"


  1. Anonymous1:23 PM

    C'mon, man. We need more data points.

    Five failed bailout efforts do not a failure make.

  2. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Can't we get some of the ex-Bushies on this? The ones who kept insisting we weren't in a by-God official textbook "recession" will know how to spin this mofo.

  3. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Hah! Sorry, this one is yours, bitch! But keep masturbating with the "it's Bush's fault" canard.

    It's a winner!

  4. Anonymous11:47 PM

    I'm not making any declarative statements here. I'm just noting that you're blinded by partisan bias. And that excessive masturbation has been said to cause blindness.

    Also, "canard" is a French word. Tsk, tsk. Didn't you get the official wingnut memo on that?

  5. Anonymous1:08 AM

    Hah! Sorry, this one is yours, bitch! But keep masturbating with the "it's Bush's fault" canard. It's a winner!

    "Suck on this, you sucking suckers! The current financial meltdown is the sole property of the Democrats and Obama! But Bush inherited Bill Clinton's recession!

    Dammit! Economics is so simple for me! Why won't all the stupid voters share my smartness?"
