Sunday, March 22, 2009

Amazing Race update – India again

Teams started out from Russia and headed to Jaipur, India. It seems like every season of the Race stops by in India and, if you're a fan of "poverty porn" the Race doesn't disappoint. The taxi drivers drive primarily by horn; gas seems to be a secondary concern. Some of the Racers are overcome with emotion at the destitution.

At a village, teams find a sacred tree where a telephone sits. They dial the number and they're told to go to a parking area or something. There it's the Roadblock: one team member must feed and water a group of camels. Team Esquire arrives first and Victor shovels camel feed and hauls water to fill a trough. Mike, the older half of Team White Guys, is having a lot of trouble in the heat. Tammy & Victor head to the next clue just as Team Drinkcart is pulling up. Because they came in last on the previous leg, Christie & Jodi need to perform an extra task at some point, so they're running far behind.

At the next stop, it's the Detour: Movers or Shakers. Teams may either transport a bicycle loaded with barrels, or join an Indian dance troupe and dance for tips. Team Esquire decides to dance in the streets and beg for rupees. Meanwhile, back at the Roadblock, Mel is the only Racer following the clue correctly and using baskets to transport camel feed. Team White Guys is the next team to head to the Detour just as Team Esquire is heading to the Pit Stop at Jaigarh Fort.

Team Drinkcart hit their Speedbump: they must decorate an elephant. That is, they must paint the trunk of an elephant for some kind of ceremony. Well, OK. They must complete this before the Detour, so things aren't looking good for them. Still, it looks like Team Mighty Mites took a long time doing the "Movers" Detour.

It's a fairly close race to the mat, but Michael & Mark pull it out and Christie & Jodi are eliminated from the Race.

Team standings:

#1 – Team Esquire – Tammy & Victor
#2 – Team White Guys – Mel & Mike
#3 – Team Sistahs – Kisha & Jen
#4 – Team Say What? – Margie & Luke
#5 – Team Ginger – Jaime & Cara
#6 – Team Mighty Mites – Michael & Mark
#7 – Team Drinkcart – Christie & Jodi – PHILIMINATED

Next week – Wild animals in Thailand.

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