Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Sanity – Hot Air notes that support for the Generational Theft Act has dropped to only 37%.


  1. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Phan-too-bul-a-tast-ic. Any bets as to when they might acknowledge we're under an untenable mountain of national debt enabling the dollar to collapse at any time?

  2. Anonymous12:19 AM

    Any bets as to when prominent conservatives will show a twitch of regret about the purchase price for their Iraq War?

  3. Anonymous12:21 PM

    You mean the one we won, establishing the only Arab democracy in the world?

    Yeah, sorry about that...

  4. Anonymous1:37 PM

    We should have spent that money on free stuff.

  5. Anonymous6:54 PM

    We won in Iraq? WOOOOOOO!!!!!! All RIGHT!! Victory, baby!!!!

    I thought turning retarded would hurt more than this. Now I know it only tickles!

  6. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Indeed, despite your best efforts, surrender-crat.

    But don't feel bad. Perhaps Obama can still eke-out a surrender to the Taliban. Feel all nice & warm again?

  7. Anonymous12:03 AM

    Why on earth would we surrender to the Taliban for a second time? Is there anything Bin Laden wants that Bush didn't already give him?

    I don't begrudge you your remarks, though. For all I know, I might lash out just as childishly if everything I believed to be important and true were crushingly repudiated by reality. It must be awful.

    Our side is all about squishy-squashy feelings, so I'll try to spare a few for you.

  8. Anonymous1:32 PM

    "Why on earth would we surrender to the Taliban..."

    Because liberals need at least one surrender per generation to validate their unquenchable thist for endless introspective therapy sessions. What would gen-X-ers have to whine about for the rest of their lives if we actually won?

    A victory in Iraq has been 'crushingly repudiated by' reality?

    Ohhhh, I see... my bad. That's just the Xanex talking.

  9. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Greetings. I've come from the year 2159, to bring you and your ideological brethren some bad news. That whole "history's verdict" Hail Mary pass? Mmm. Let me put it as diplomatically as I can.

    After all this time, you're STILL regarded as disgraced losers who sold your own honor for nothing lasting; an ever-shrinking circle jerk of denial bunnies that never did convince the public to acknowledge your delusional eighth draft of reality, and who spent the rest of your days pretending that your unmanly panic and incompetent ambition wasn't to blame for driving a majority party into the ditch and handing control to the grownups.


  10. Anonymous12:21 PM

    "...handing control to the grownups."

    Grownups? You mean the ones printing a trillion dollars? The ones who will to preside over the total collapse of the world economy when tidal wave of 9+ trillion dollars in foreign debt comes crashing on our shores?

    Those grownups? Have fun living with that legacy.

  11. Anonymous9:53 PM

    It's good to see that you only object to the last five words. Soon, even those will ring true to you. Your journey of regretful self-realization has begun.

    Though you've lost absolutely everything, you're on the verge of gaining trickledown wisdom. We of the future await the new you.
