Monday, February 09, 2009

Obama's news conference

Very briefly: although some of his answers were long-winded (five minutes or more) he did a competent job explaining his position on the stimulus bill. I just fundamentally disagree that the country can afford all this new spending and tax cuts without crippling the economy over the long term. I'd love to have a shiny new RV, IPhone, and tickets to the Daytona 500, but the only way that's going to happen is if I max out my credit cards and pay them off over 20 years.

Still, I swooned when I heard this slice of straight talk:

Having said that, I think there are a lot of Republicans who are sincere in recognizing that, unless we deal with entitlements in a serious way, the problems we have with this year's deficit and next year's deficit pale in comparison to what we're going to be seeing 10 or 15 years or 20 years down the road.
Damned right. The question is whether the Democrats also recognize the generational crisis ahead.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:14 AM

    "...unless we deal with entitlements in a serious way..."

    And to this end we're naturally printing a trillion dollars in fake money.

    That'll fix it!
