Sunday, February 15, 2009

New season of The Amazing Race - Spoiler alert: the CBS web page for TAR has this season's itinerary on display. Anyway, I'm still recovering from the Daytona 500 so here's the abbreviated version: the teams started in LA and headed to Switzerland where they had to bungee jump off the Verzasca Dam. Then teams had to transport 200 pounds of cheese from an "aging shed" before heading to the Pit Stop. The first team to arrive was the mother-son team of Margie and Luke, who is deaf. The coolest part of this 14th season-starting episode was when Phil Keoghan used sign language to tell Luke he was "team #1."


  1. Anonymous1:51 PM

    The first episode was good but why is it that they always cast southerners who look like Cletus?

    That said, I'm glad the southern couple survived. They could be this season's comedy.

  2. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Hooray! TAR blogging is back!

    It is a little light, though. You seem to have lost your enthusiasm for the Race. Hope you get your "TAR groove" back. If its any help, feel free to use/steal any of my ideas for team names. I kind of like "The Mighty Mites" for the midget stuntmen; The Ravenettes (or Raveonettes, if you prefer) for the red-headed cheerleaders; Hand Jive for the deaf kid & mom; Team "Coffee Tea or Me" for the blonde stewardesses. Anything to avoid a repeat of the infamous "Team Couple" you tried foisting on us a few seasons back.


    p.s. I do read the other stuff you write about, and agree with most of it.

  3. I like 'em!

    Yeah, yesterday was crazy because my in-laws were up for the long President's Day weekend (although I had to work today.) I'll get back into form next week.
