Saturday, February 21, 2009

Investors don't believe the hype – Real Clear Markets "The market is shorting Obama's 'stimulus'": "If historic U.S. budget deficits are any indication, the economy is already “stimulated.” The predicted 2009 federal deficit stood at 8.3% of GDP before Obama’s package sent it to about 12%. This is a stunning level of debt, double the previous post WWII high when Reagan’s 1983 budget deficit amounted to 6% of GDP."


  1. Anonymous2:23 PM

    But... but... purple ink fingertips!

  2. Anonymous10:53 PM

    For ass-hats like 'purple fingertips' the world revolves around de-basing actual achievements with meaningless gestures such as printing a trillion dollars dumped on the economy.

    Sure, it feels good for the first five minutes, but your (our) children will pay for it for the rest of their lifetimes.

    That's progress!

  3. Anonymous12:34 AM

    Only a dope could think Iraq was worth the multiple costs.

    But wait, we've got a young democracy in place, and you just can't put a pricetag on that. YOU can't, but the Sunnis sure can (and do). Just like in 1783, when we had to bribe Philadelphia tribal leaders with untraceable bricks of cash, so they wouldn't shoot at the Minutemen for another month.

    Meanwhile, Bin Laden's outlasted your hero. Three cheers for the actual achievement.
