Monday, February 02, 2009

How I spent my Super Bowl Sunday

So yesterday I went to the convenience store to buy my Sunday papers, slipped on the ice, and dislocated my shoulder.  I would not recommend it.

I drove to my local Western Massachusetts hospital where a doctor did a "Mr. Miyagi" fix by rolling my arm in a circle and popping it back into place.  I'm in some moderate pain but it's mostly just when I reach my arm beyond a certain limit.  Which recalls a certain vaudeville joke:

"Doctor, it hurts when I do this."
"Don't do that."

Then I went to a neighbor's house (arm in sling) to watch the Superbowl.  Now I've seen the Giants come back in the second half (1986?), and I saw the Patriots defeat the "unbeatable" Rams to win their first Superbowl, and I recall last year's Giants upset.  (I was too young for Superbowl III.)  Without a doubt, this was the greatest Superbowl game ever.

And I'll confess I was rooting for the underdog Cardinals, but you have to hand it to the Steelers.  They were not to be denied.  This game had it all: a 100-yard interception runback, a safety, lead changes, an impossible toe-tip catch with 35 seconds left on the clock.  Wow!  Congrats to the Steelers.  I (painfully) tip my hat to you.

Related - Time/CNN: "Best and worst Superbowl commercials."  It wasn't the funniest, but I thought the one where the auto execs finally get the name "Hyundai" right (because it won car of the year) was effective.


  1. Slipped on the ice and hurt your shoulder. Doesn't sound very original.

  2. Anonymous5:25 PM

    I dislocated my shoulder back in 1992 then again in 93 and 94....once you do it you have an 80% chance to do it again. Slipped on a floor, dislocated, playing hoops, dislocated and even once did it while I was sleeping. I finally got mine fixed and I couldn't be happier.
