Monday, February 16, 2009

Gimme gimme gimme! - I filed my federal taxes electronically this past weekend and mailed in my state returns this morning.  Better get yours in quick before the government decides to keep it (I'm looking at you California).  AP: "Kansas suspends income tax refunds."


  1. Anonymous8:43 PM

    It's rather stupid for the states to hold onto the refunds. All you have to do to get around it, is to put this year's refund towards next year's return on your tax return. Then you reduce your current withholding so that you'll owe more next year than what they've kept. So you get the money back anyway. For that matter, you could get it all back in a few pay periods and then restore your withholding to normal levels. Stupid states -- they'll just get less money as people reduce their withholdings.

  2. Anonymous10:19 PM

    I sent of my federal e-file yesterday. The charge to e-file my California state return was $19.95. Why bother? I won't get the money any quicker. So that's going snail mail.

  3. I'm not filing my California return until the last minute. What's the point?
