Sunday, February 01, 2009

Failure is not an option, but it should be

This past week, everybody was grumbling about Wall Street handing out bonuses to bankrupt and bailed-out banks. Before that, we were agitated because Detroit CEOs took private planes to testify in Washington instead of driving their hybrids. Now word comes down that General Motors is going to use their bailout money and spend it in Brazil. Also, Citigroup cancelled delivery on a new corporate jet due to the public outcry.

So this is the future of America where everybody's "too big to fail". It's the same sentiment that flows from the "Oscar goes to..." nonsense and handing out trophies to everybody who participates instead of the team that, you know, scores more points. No more winners, no more losers.

Instead of bailing out these companies and then agonizing over every stupid move they make, why not let them collapse from the consequences of those stupid moves? We're now a nation that gripes about everything that bailed-out companies do wrong from corporate pay to recycling policies.

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