Thursday, February 26, 2009

Comment of the day – From (appropriately!) Commentary: "Reagan thought he could reduce Federal Spending by cutting taxes and "starving" Congress of resources. It looks like the Democrats have learned to flip that equation. They are spending so much now so that sometime in the future they will "have to" raise taxes in order to be fiscally responsible and balance the budget."

And raise taxes they will: "The bottom line is that Mr. Obama is selling the country on a 2% illusion. Unwinding the U.S. commitment in Iraq and allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire can't possibly pay for his agenda. Taxes on the not-so-rich will need to rise as well."


  1. Anonymous12:46 AM

    From (appropriately!) Commentary:
    Karl Rove: “Everyone resorts to straw men occasionally, but Mr. Obama’s persistent use of the device is troubling. Continually characterizing those who disagree with you in a fundamentally dishonest way can be the sign of a person who lacks confidence in the merits of his ideas.”

    Why does Karl Rove hate America? He needs to explain why he wants us to lose in Iraq. And he might be a closet lesbian with a bastard black baby.

  2. I actually wrote a whole post on that. I read Daniel Patrick Moynihan's "Came the Revolution" in the mid-80s, which discussed the starve the beast thing. Obama's going further. He's going to starve the markets to promote statism. It's not just tax increases...

  3. Nah. Here's the money:

    On that point, by the way, it's unclear why Mr. Obama thinks his climate-change scheme won't hit all Americans with higher taxes. Selling the right to emit greenhouse gases amounts to a steep new tax on most types of energy and, therefore, on all Americans who use energy. There's a reason that Charlie Rangel's Ways and Means panel, which writes tax law, is holding hearings this week on cap-and-trade regulation.

    The ba$tards have figured out how to tax air. Think about it.
