Sunday, January 11, 2009

Towards a more perfect union

Thankfully, all the problems in Massachusetts have been solved so Beacon Hill is moving to force chain restaurants to post calorie counts of their meals. It's for the children. Here's Jeff Jacoby with "Want a warning label with those fries?"

That always seems to be the nannies' bottom line, whether the risk is said to be from tobacco, global warming, or cars without airbags: We must take away some freedom or more people will die.
Now that the smokers have been shunned and marginalized in society, it's time to move on to the fatties, then the drinkers, then NASCAR fans. Eventually we'll have our perfect egalitarian society as envisioned in Harrison Bergeron.


  1. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Yes, what a gruesome threat to freedom. The first thing Hitler did when he came to power was put little "Nutrition Facts" boxes on all the strudel.

    "First they came for the Big Macs, but I said nothing because I ate at Taco Bell..."

  2. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Harrison Bergeron indeed! I wonder how long it will be before the Nanny Staters start forcing us to handicap ourselves in order to ensure "equality of outcome"? But they should be aware that I'm more than willing to discourage that should they come for me. It's amazing what the effect of a few .30-06 rounds fired in their general direction can have....

  3. Anonymous8:56 AM

    "Is it really the job of the state to coerce restaurants into confronting diners with information most of them aren't interested in?"

    Could Jacoby's point be any stupider?

    "Many people ignore information; therefore, information shouldn't be available."

  4. I think Jacoby's point is that it's not the government's job to be a public scold. Once the busybodies in government decide they have the right to alter personal behavior, it's a slippery slope from mandatory nutritional info to banning Twinkies.

    Why can't Beacon Hill worry about the 15 billion leaks in the $15 billion Big Dig and leave the pursuit of happiness to us?

  5. Anonymous11:24 PM

    From calorie counts to legislated bans on food.

    That's some "slippery slope." Bode Miller would fear the angle of incline.

  6. From calorie counts to legislated bans on food.

    That's some "slippery slope." Bode Miller would fear the angle of incline.

    I know. Food bans are just ludicrous. I mean if they were already banning stuff like trans-fats then it wouldn't be so ludicrous... oh... wait

  7. Anonymous11:11 PM

    A lot of our boys froze and died at Valley Forge to defend trans-fats. Who will speak for them?

  8. Anonymous9:33 AM

    "'s time to move on to the fatties, then the drinkers, then NASCAR fans..."

    When do we get to the body piercers, bungie-jumpers, pot smokers, skate boarders and red meat eaters?
