Friday, January 02, 2009

Harry Reid as George Wallace, standing in the Senate doorway

What a mess Blago has created, and what a plan: CNN "Democrats have plan if Burris shows up"

The aide familiar with Senate Democratic leaders' plans said if Burris tries to enter the Senate chamber, the Senate doorkeeper will stop Burris. If Burris were to persist, either trying to force his way onto the Senate floor or refusing to leave and causing a scene, U.S. Capitol Police would stop him, said the aide.
I couldn't find a source online, but I'm reminded of a scene in the original "Walking Tall" where Sheriff Buford Pusser can't get rid of a corrupt judge but he can exercise his authority as sheriff to designate facilities for elected officials. He moves the judge's desk into the men's bathroom.

Extra - Polipundit: "Let's get physical"

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