Friday, December 26, 2008

Progress - For Christmas I asked for, and received, a new 16 GB flash drive (the kind that plugs into a USB port). It was only a few years ago, it seems, that I got my first 16 MB drive. Now I can backup my entire MP3 collection.


  1. 16 gigs to back uo your entire mp3 collection? Pathetic. I figured you'd actually have a real collection....

  2. Ouch! Well, just the choice stuff.

    Hope you had a great holiday.

  3. Anonymous9:24 AM

    It was not too many years ago that a friend was cleaning old garbage off his hard drive, then stopped with the realization,"What am I doing? I've got a GIG!!"
    We've come a long way in a short time, and I'm continually reminded of that.
