Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Like driving into a wall

Here's cause-and-effect for you:

[Ford CEO Alan] Mulally's current compensation package will pay him about $22 million this year. Asked last week if he would consider cutting his salary, Mulally told members of Congress, "I think I'm OK where I am."
That was during the first round of Congressional testimony on a bailout for the Detroit automakers. Only after taking their corporate jets back to Michigan did the auto execs realize what a mess they'd made: "CNN poll says 61% now 'dead set' against auto bailout."


  1. Anonymous2:59 PM

    The misconception is that the UAW and Auto Execs have a confrontational relationship. The reality is that they have conspired together to rip-off shareholders and customers for decades. One big reason why the execs don't want to go Chapter 11 and screw their union co-conspirators.

    Their sham is becoming very obvious.

  2. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Your wisdom, it's... it's blinding.
