Tuesday, December 09, 2008

I'm from Hawaii and never heard of this "Ill-a-noy" place - John Dickerson on Slate: "Obama's unsatisfyingly vague response to the Blagojevich scandal"


  1. Anonymous9:16 AM

    What?!? I've never even met the guy!

    Well, ok, I may have met the guy, but we certainly didn't talk about who would fill my senate seat.

    Why would we? The President-elect in a private meeting with the governor who will fill that seat...there are a million other things to talk about...

    -Pres-bu-dent-elekt BO

  2. Anonymous12:56 PM

    "Glub! Glub! We're drowning! Quick, grab ahold of that wet sponge!"

  3. Anonymous2:10 PM

    That's good practice! First it's just a trickle of names (J.J.jr.), and then Gubuner Blagopfhlajervtz makes a deal with the FBI and the real dirt starts to fly.

    Where's that damn popcorn?
