Saturday, November 29, 2008

Must be Amish – From Powerline: "Apparently only one of the Islamic terrorists who attacked Mumbai survived. He is now being interrogated by Indian authorities, and information about the attack is starting to emerge. The survivor is a Pakistani named Mohammad Ajmal Mohammad Amin Kasab."

No further comment necessary.


  1. Why do you right-wingers always assume it is Muslims behind violence? This is India, where it is just as likely Buddhists and Hindus carried this out. After all, I could spend a whole half-second giving you the long history of violence of those groups.

  2. Anonymous2:05 AM

    Hundreds of the NON-survivors are Pakistanis and Indians with names like Mohammad, Ajmal, Amin and Kasab. No further reflection expected.

    Nevertheless, this is a shocking revelation, coming as it does after multiple eyewitness descriptions and video images of the killers. It's Mumbai; what did you expect the guy's name would be, Kyo Yamamoto? Bob Wilson?

    The second-worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil was committed by a fellow with an Irish surname. You might want to go back to the original coverage and check out the immediate assumptions as to what group bombed the Murrah building. (Hint: it wasn't Sinn Fein.)

  3. How typical that someone runs right out and plays the McVeigh card. There is no shortage of useful idiots.

  4. Anonymous8:27 AM

    And yet Brian's the man with one card and one card only: "For the 5,000th time in a row, an event proves my worldview is perfect and correct, a circumstance best dramatized by an imaginary liberal burlesque."

    What you're objecting to is called the "nuance of thought" card, Brian. Your deck doesn't come with one.

  5. Anonymous7:27 PM

    In response, I think I'll just roll out the old axiom that "not all Muslims are terrorists but almost all terrorists are Muslim." The guy they caught could have had a last name like "Patel" and could have been a separatist Indian (there are a billion, after all). Instead, was anybody shocked to learn his name contained the magic word?

    As for McVeigh, I don't think that's a relevant example. McVeigh was an isolated nutcase in American history. The threat of Islamic terrorism represents a tolerated movement within the Muslim world to turn the rest of us into Dar es Islam.

  6. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Yep just jumping to conclusions. Running the numbers, if 3% of Muslims are terrorists, that makes about 30 million, if they continue kill at this ratio, thats a half billion. Not that we should care, lest we lose our valted western veener of non judgement prior to being murdered.

  7. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Actually, "isolated" Tim McVeigh was part of that whole paranoid Christian separatist Turner Diaries strain of white American kook, from whence springs the cosmology that fixates on black ATF helicopters and Waco and Ruby Ridge and anti-abortion killings and gun shows as a protection against the coming race war. Theirs is a lightly populated support system, but it's a system.

    If the Islamic world really WAS of one mind on everything, least of all terrorism, maybe we wouldn't see Pakistan-connected killers attacking Indian targets.

    The U.S. media instantly characterized the Mumbai attacks as anti-American. Which makes one wonder when Kashmir (a much more likely excuse) became our 51st state. Although the marvelous math of the previous post renders anything possible.

  8. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Oooooops! Looks like that whole "specifically targeted Americans and Brits" angle has been discredited by Indian sources. It was a Muslim-on-Muslim plot.

    Another red letter day for the forever-solipsistic rightwing blogosphere. They've had a lot of those lately.

  9. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Thank God. Now you & your moonbat friends can stick your heads back in the sand. Muslim violence? That'd never happen, would it? Not since BO election became prez-elect, anyway.
