Sunday, November 02, 2008

Bizarro World update – The largest newspaper here in Western Massachusetts is the Springfield Republican which, despite its name, is a left-of-middle paper. Today they offered their endorsement for President and you could have knocked me over with a feather: "This election offers a clear choice, and John McCain is our preferred candidate." Wow, they're not going to like that in Northampton.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:58 AM

    The conservative Houston Chronicle (10th in national circulation) endorses Barack Obama. The moderately conservative Denver Post/Rocky Mountain News (9th in circ.) endorses Obama. The conservative Chicago Tribune (8th in circ.) endorses Obama. The conservative edit board of the Washington Post (7th in circ.) endorses Obama. The conservative New York Daily News (5th in circ.) endorses Obama.

    But hey, John McCain just scored the Springfield Republican (not in the top 100)! Tsk tsk, ah well, any port in a storm.
