Sunday, November 23, 2008

Amazing Race update – Moscow shoes

With last week's elimination, we're down to the final four on the Race. Nick & Starr have won four consecutive legs and Team Perky is clearly the team to beat. They left first for this leg on the way to Moscow and a monastery for the next clue. Frat boys Andrew & Dan are forced to purchase shoes in the airport because they left them behind on the last leg while doing the cow costume task. Everybody's on the same flight to Moscow.

After visiting the monastery, teams make their way to a military camp outside Moscow. This is the Detour: Boots or Borscht. Teams may either learn a parade march or serve beet soup to 75 Russian soldiers. Nick & Starr fall far behind because their taxi driver has no idea where he's going and doesn't understand English, which doesn't stop Starr from asking "Are you sure?" Meanwhile all the other teams are doing the Boots Detour; Toni & Dallas finish first and head off to a bakery for the next clue. But Team Bluto can't even get their boots on correctly so they bail on the marching to serve borscht. Proving they are incapable of reading clues or making decisions, they change their mind yet again and try the marching. Dan is a complete Spaz and they fall behind the other teams yet again. It's a wonder they've made it this far in the Race. They give up on the march and go back to the borscht.

Meanwhile, at the bakery, it's the Roadblock: one team member must transfer fifty 50-lbs. bags of flour to the bakery. Dallas finishes first and Team Mom/Son heads to the Pit Stop. Ken & Tina are close behind while Team Perky is lost in traffic with the same cab driver. They eventually get to the bakery where they tell their driver to get lost. But when Nick finishes the Roadblock, they can't find a taxi to take them to the Pit Stop; eventually they track down someone. Andrew & Dan are behind but they seem to have a better cabbie.

Toni & Dallas mark their first win and they get a Travelocity trip. Nick & Starr eventually make it to the mat in third place. Andrew & Dan, because they spent money on shoes at the airport, didn't have enough money to pay their cab driver. The rules of the Race dictate that they can't just walk away (i.e. rob) from a cab driver so they beg him until he walks away disgusted with the Americans. They come in last but it's a non-elimination leg so they'll face a Speed Bump on the next leg. So they'll have this extra challenge, they're completely broke, and they're incapable of reading clues. In other words, there's little chance we'll see Team Bluto at the finals.

Final standings:

Team Mom/Son – Toni & Dallas
Team Infidelity – Ken & Tina
Team Perky – Nick & Starr
Team Bluto – Andrew & Dan – Non-elimination leg

Next week: One team loses a passport. Can they continue?

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