Sunday, October 19, 2008

You betcha! - Sarah Palin was fine on Saturday Night Live tonight, but you have to hand it to Amy Poehler, in her tenth month of pregnancy, for the "Alaska Rap" during the Weekend Update segment. It was cold as ice! (Geez, have that kid already)

Update - Ann Althouse has the videos.


  1. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Politicians doing comedy = not funny

    Imitated celebrities showing what a delightfully good sport they are by going on "SNL" = not funny

    White people rapping incongruously = not funny

    So naturally, every TV pundit on every channel will be doing the "chuckling" shtick as they come out of the clip. Hillary Clinton has a warmer, more natural laugh.

  2. Anonymous7:24 PM

    SNL wussed out on its brief Tina Fey winning streak, with watery faux-satire that could have passed the RNC's vetting committee. (Alec Baldwin "mistakes" Palin for Fey... SAVAGE!)

    Sarah Palin was stiff as a board, and several of her alleged punchlines got crickets from the audience. The guy in the moose costume had a better night.

    Total lose-lose.

  3. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Well, somebody "won": "Palin on 'SNL' Earns Show Its Highest Ratings in 14 Years"

    I guess it's NBC.

  4. Anonymous12:47 AM

    NBC? You mean the network whose name was derisively chanted by the audience at the GOP convention, when Sarah Palin read "media bias" off the teleprompter?

    A fitting end for a woman whose political future lies in a daytime talk show called "Sarah!"

  5. Anonymous4:27 AM

    Sarah was great. A class act, even in the midst of the stupidity and hatefulness around her.

    The show sucked rocks. Beyond belief.

    Well, except for the singer. Very talented. Sarah and the singer -- the only two things worth a damn in what was otherwise an utterly painful-to-watch suckfest.

  6. Anonymous1:54 PM

    "Sarah was great."

    Speaking of suckfests...

    Slurp! Slurp!
