Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Like I said

Victor Davis Hanson has the same idea, among his Debate Thoughts:

Two, the problem with Obama's tax plan is twofold: if we end up with 50% of the income earners paying no federal income tax, what incentive would they have to worry about how other people's money is spent, or why would they work additional hours and thereby risk losing their tax credit or at least their tax exemption? Second, why would businesspersons making over $250,000 in a high-tax state take on additional risks of hiring more employees, building a new addition, or opening up a new line of products, when they would know that with state (10%), federal (39%) and FICA (15%) obligations, roughly two-thirds of their additional profits would go to the government? The ratio of risk and effort to gain is not worth it.
Now it's debate time. Let's watch.

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