Tuesday, October 07, 2008

The entitlement question

Tom Brokaw pushes the candidates on Social Security and Medicare reform. Obama essentially ignores the question and talks about his tax plan which has nothing whatsoever to do with the funding of entitlements.

McCain jokes: "I'll answer the question." He's talking about a bi-partisan approach, along the line of the Ronald Reagan/Tip O'Neill deal in 1983. But then he felt compelled to respond to Obama's tax speech and the question was essentially wasted. The third rail strikes again.

Extra - Michael Graham on Obama's tax cut for "95% of Americans": "One more time: 47% of Americans pay NO federal income taxes! You can't "cut" their rates. Sen. Obama said that everyone under $200,000 will get a tax cut. Just ask Sen. Obama what the new, lower tax rate is going to be, particularly on those paying ZERO. A one-time rebate check, from people who pay taxes to people who don't, is not a tax reduction."

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