Saturday, September 27, 2008

Next up - Is there any question whatsoever that Thursday night's Vice Presidential debate is the most anticipated of this election season? This will be the most significant television event since President Roosevelt addressed the nation after the stock market crash.


  1. Anonymous12:59 AM

    "President Roosevelt addressed the nation after the stock market crash" on television, no less.

  2. Anonymous1:55 AM

    Yes, which is why Viking Pundit joked, "will be the most significant television event since..."

    AH HA HA HA HA, what a HUGE GAFFE by Anonymous!!!!!! He added something that was ALREADY THERE! Hee hee HAW HAW HAW!!!!!! Bet he'd like to take THAT one back!

    (Because that's what politics is all about these days, right? Gleefully nailing somebody for saying "all 57 states" while corporations quietly drain your pensions and Biblical talking snakes are slipped into your child's science classes.)
