Friday, September 12, 2008

Charlie don't surf the Internet

Is this what Obama's campaign has come to? He's ridiculing John McCain because he doesn't know how to use a computer.

Well, I know that a President has to prepare PowerPoint presentations for foreign leaders such as "You can't have your nukes and eat too" and balance the budget with Excel. But then a President has a lot of helpers, too. I think this attack is what the kids today call "lame." Or "boss" - I forget.

Extra - John Judis on the Plank: "Which voters exactly are gong to be outraged by the fact that McCain doesn't know how to use a computer?" I'm sure all the senior citizens in the country are glad to hear that if you can't send email, you're old and busted.

More - Instapundit: "...a combination of cluelessness, sloppiness, and narcissism."


  1. Anonymous9:41 PM

    It's the first volley in turning "experienced" into "geezer," figure it out. The money hammer is coming down.

    Anyone who supports a candidate who's blasted Obama for being all famous and stuff like Paris Hilton has voided their standing to tsk-tsk over "what Obama's campaign has come to."

    Besides, isn't it about personality, not issues? Your bobo's spokesman said so.

  2. Anonymous10:54 PM

    I guess Charlie does't remember the Boston Gloge article 8 years ago regarding McCain's physical injuries which occured during his vist to the Hanoi Hilton. H/T to Hot Air

  3. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Obama is the first politician ever in American history to try to go out and lose the AARP vote.

  4. Anonymous11:41 PM

    John McCain was injured at the Hanoi Hilton? Why haven't we heard anything about this before?

  5. Anonymous12:07 AM

    To the first comment, huh?

    Yep Jim, its a loser strategy, make fun of seniors? But didn't they try this with Reagan? I can't recall if Mondale tried it.

    I'm kind of bummed they will probably pull this ad. It's a negative ad for *Obama*.

    - Private Radio

    Hey, Viking, curious if your traffic numbers are up. I bet they are. I still visit couple times a week.

  6. Yeah, traffic is up quite a bit. This happens every election season.

  7. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Anonymous #3--
    Reagan was far more popular than McCain; people forgave him more. Compare them at your peril. Polling has indicated all year that McCain's age and health are a concern to voters.

    Also, if Reagan had gone down, the fallback would have been George H.W. Bush. True, Bush Sr. may not have been the dynamic supreme commander-in-chief of the Alaskan National Guard. But he had some other career experience that made him more palatable.
