Saturday, September 13, 2008

Bombing the hand that feeds

Gateway Pundit: "At 9-11 Anniversary Tribute, Muslim Cleric Promises Next Massive Attack Will Be in Great Britain"

They closed the rally by loudly asking: "Now where's my welfare check?"

The two bombers were identified as Yasin Hassan Omar, 24, from the war-torn Horn of Africa nation of Somalia; and Muktar Said Ibrahim, 27, thought to be from the troubled northeast African nation of Eritrea.
As polls show growing public concern about Britain's Muslim community, the fact that Omar has been paid almost $60,000 in state benefits over six years is likely to cause more outrage.
He appears to have been living free in the one-bedroom flat in the northern suburb of Southgate after receiving political asylum.
This might be a good time to plug Mark Steyn's excellent "America Alone."

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