Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Taxachusetts suspends taxes!

For a weekend, anyway: "Massachusetts legislators give OK to tax-free holiday next month"

State legislators on Tuesday voted to approve a sales tax holiday for Aug. 16 and 17.

The state House of Representatives voted 139-15 and the Senate, 31-6, to approve the tax-free weekend. It will be the fifth consecutive year for a sales tax holiday in Massachusetts.

Supporters said the event gives consumers a break and boosts business for retailers. They said it will generate back-to-school sales and help businesses during a slow month for shopping.

"It's wildly popular with consumers, wildly popular with retailers," said state Sen. Michael R. Knapik, R-Westfield.
True dat. I find it remarkable that people will spend so readily, foregoing a better deal down the road, just to avoid the Bay State's 5% sales tax. There has to be a component of "sticking it to Beacon Hill" that drives consumers into a frenzy of shopping.

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