Friday, July 04, 2008

Since they won't have another shot at the White House Easter Egg Roll - Gateway Pundit: "Loons Disrupt Bush at July 4th Naturalization Ceremony" Stay classy, Code Pink.


  1. Anonymous11:52 PM

    And a hilarious series of computer-tough "they're just lucky I'm online, 'cause if I wuz there I wudda kicked their asses" replies ensued.

    You keep Mr. Popularity inside a lockbox and shuttle him from screened town hall meeting to closed-door fundraiser, these things tend to happen.

  2. OMG - a reader! Come close, I won't hurt you.

    Wow, things are slow this weekend.

    I'd like to think that certain events rise above political partisanship. But I guess not. A lesson to be learned for President Obama, I'm sure.

  3. Anonymous11:26 PM

    I'd like to think that certain events rise above political partisanship. But I guess not.

    You mean like hiring people at the Department of Justice? Science policy? Supporting the troops?

    Darn those Code Pinkos for coming along and ruining everything.

  4. Anonymous11:49 PM

    Here's someone from Daily Kos who agrees that certain events are supposed to rise above political partisanship:

  5. Were there any Free Bob Avakian or Free Mumia t-shirts there as well? Code Pink has become the Left's equivalent of the White Citizen's Council except they seem to have taken better care of their teeth.
