Monday, July 07, 2008

Time to regroup - Apologies for the brief hiatus but I've had some personal issues to take care of. I expect to be back entertaining my dozens of readers with new material tomorrow sometime after my online class. Don't like it? Tough...I'm not here to make friends.


  1. Well, you've made one friend here pal.

    By the way, nothing wrong with continuing your education at this stage of your life. I graduated college at 31 and law school at 35 and took several online classes along the way. Good work outta you.

  2. Thanks, Brian, it's nice to know somebody's reading. But now I feel bad that I'm leaving Thursday to go camping.

  3. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Camp away, my friend! Camp... the WIND!

  4. It's the summer brother, go enjoy yourself. You can post like nuts when Western Mass is snowed in.
