Thursday, July 24, 2008

Et tu, Fox News?

From Investor's Business Daily: "Putting Money Where Mouths Are: Media Donations Favor Dems 100-1"

Don't worry, though. Any hint of bias is quickly overpowered by the media's superhuman, Columbia-trained objectivity. It's a skill that we bloggers could never understand. (*sniff*)


  1. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Yeah, Fox News that fascist, right-wing smear-machine. Up to their old PR tricks by giving thousands to Dems and zero to Repubs.


  2. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Fox gives five times as much money to the Democrats than the biased liberal in-the-tank lying New York Times does?

    But... but... but...
    :::head explodes:::

  3. Anonymous11:34 AM

    That's only because the New York Times revenues are going down the shitter faster than the vegan tofu burger you ate for breakfast.


    Got any spare change?

  4. Anonymous11:50 AM

    There's a difference between Fox, the same asshole entity who canceled Firefly and FNC. Of course, they still didn't give to the repubs any, but they didn't give 5 times the amount of money as the NYT at least.

  5. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Crap, there should be a comma between the words Firefly and and.

  6. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Obamaweek, i mean Newsweek, supports Democrats? And they dislike McCain? What has become of this world!

  7. Anonymous3:23 PM

    It's simple, boyos. Do you put your money on the Harlem Globetrotters, or do you bet on the Washington Generals?
