Monday, June 02, 2008

Zimbabwe's dictator looks for food in Rome. His countrymen are not invited.

CNN: "Mugabe's presence at food summit 'obscene'"

Western leaders attacked Zimbabwe's president for participating in this week's U.N. summit on the global food crisis while his people are going hungry.

Australian Foreign Minister Stephen Smith said it was "obscene" that the man "who has presided over the starvation of his people" would be attending the three-day conference.

Mugabe is blamed for the economic collapse of a country once considered a regional breadbasket.

Zimbabweans increasingly are unable to afford food and other essentials with agriculture paralyzed by land reform and the world's highest rate of inflation.
They need to invent new calculators to estimate inflation in Zimbabwe which is somewhere around a Googolplex kajillion.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:16 AM

    Sick but not surprising... MSM doesn't care... death to Whitey... you know the drill.
