Friday, June 13, 2008

Tim Russert, gone at 58 - Sudden and shocking. His son had just graduated from Boston College and he'd returned from a celebratory trip to Italy.

I couldn't find the clip on YouTube, but one of my favorite Tim Russert moments was about 3 a.m. in the morning on election night 2000. Al Gore had withdrawn his concession and the Presidency was still up in the air. A visibly exhausted Tim Russert - who had probably been up for 24 hours straight at this point - turned to an equally tired Tom Brokaw and asked "now what do we do?"

Well, during the next commercial break, they went to bed.

Update - Appropriately, the Buffalo Bills website has a tribute.

More - At Memeorandum.


  1. I didn't always agree with him, but Russert was a class act! He will be missed. Rest in Peace!

  2. I second Steve's comments. At least when I watched Russert I knew that the guy on the other end wasn't getting a free ride or an ass-kissing fest. Outside of work, it also looked as if he was a loving and caring father and son, which is the most important thing of all.
