Saturday, June 14, 2008

Take it as you will - From the Economist: "Is it turning the corner?" - "By all the main measures - military, political and economic - Iraq is now improving, from a dire base. But that does not yet mean it is headed for peace and prosperity."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Tragedy and violence are still lacerating Iraq, but the situation is getting better. The three factions are working together, although it's still difficult and they may splinter. The economy is growing, although no one has felt it yet. Sunnis have quit the government, but they might come back. The death rate is still grim, but it's better. There is progress, but it's reversible. The civil service has been wrecked, but could be rebounding. Maliki's reputation and power are growing, but he still relies on the Americans. His plan could take hold, unless the next elections reverse his course. Muqtada al-Sadr has backed off, but maybe just for the time being. The Iraqi army has bested the Sadrists, but they still have wide support. The next elections will bring either peace, or violence. Al-Qaeda has "suffered a near-strategic defeat," but it "is certainly not defeated."

    Yup, it's another Economist special report. It may be a good column, or it may suck. We've learned so much, which is to say, nothing.

    Ask an Economist writer if their favorite color is red or blue, then watch them suffer an epileptic seizure.
