Friday, June 06, 2008

So what's the good news?

Unemployment soars, as does the price of oil.
The Dow drops nearly 400 points.
As Tom Bevan notes, the listing economy is creating headwind for McCain.


  1. Even though unemployment is up, there are still thousands of $75K, $100K and $150K jobs.

    If one person looks for a job, they will find one, one person is not a statistic.

  2. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Don't stupid Americans realize how good they've had it under the Bush economic policies? They need to read more and more conservative blogs until they successfully vanquish reality.

  3. Anonymous10:40 PM

    This isn't the result of Bush's policies, Mr. Carter, and you know it. It's the inevitable result of the restrictions YOU placed on the delopment of new energy options for your country (jerkoff), effectively entrapping us in the 1970s, until now.

    Don't exploit new oil resources.
    Don't build a new refinery.
    Don't expand nuclear power.
    Don't build new power plants.
    Don't develop shale.
    America: just don't do ANYTHING, and EVERYTHING will be fine. Trust me.

    Thank you, President Assface.
