Sunday, June 08, 2008

Not even trying - If the people answering this Rasmussen poll are all in the bag for McCain, he's going to win by a landslide. By a huge margin, Americans believe the media isn't even trying to be objective and will actively try to help Obama. Do tell.


  1. Of course they are in the tank for Obama. Any projection that says Obama has a shot in Florida and South Carolina is immediately suspect, and everyone I have seen says that.

  2. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Absolutely. Dirty biased liberal media! Remember when they hammered McCain for actively seeking the endorsement of a religious crackpot, while giving Obama a free pass? Remember when they kept on analyzing the nomination "race" between McCain and Huckabee for three months after it was mathematically obvious that it was all over? Remember when they didn't buy into McCain's reputation as a "maverick" and a "straight shooter"? I've never seen such one-sided coverage.

    The lefty moonbat media hasn't made me this disgusted since they aggressively investigated and questioned the run-up to the Iraq War.

  3. Anonymous8:04 AM

    In the same poll, Rasmussen also reports that 81% of Democrats say they will vote for Obama over McCain. That's the highest level Obama has had to this point. Obama also got an instant 8% boost in the national numbers when the primaries ended. McCain's percentage dropped 6 points in less than a week. So much for the "dead heat." Obama's lead is 13% when leaners are included.

    Bye-bye, "Democratic disunity." You were a fun meme while you lasted.

    Brian: Election Projection, the projection site endorsed by Mr. Viking Pundit, now says "Barack Obama is starting to pull away." They also have ominous things to say about minority leader Mitch McConnell, who may be Daschled out of office.

    EP lists Florida and South Carolina as McCain states, too. Enjoy!

  4. I remember another "inevitable" candidate. She's back in Chappaqua.

    Political projections aside, don't you find it troubling that even a majority of Americans identifying themselves as "liberals" believe the mainstream media is sorely lacking in objectivity and has a bias in one direction? These numbers seem to widen every year.

    Also, could there be a correlation between the death of the MSM and this perceived bias? Interesting, isn't it, that Fox News was judged by a media group to have the fairest coverage and is also the only media outlet with a consistently growing audience.

  5. (Hit "publish" too soon!)

    The New York Times...not so much.

    (The End)

  6. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Fox News ratings are down slightly, and moreso in the 25-54 demographic. The channel remains #1 by a small margin over CNN, but its audience is not "consistently growing," it's shrinking.

    What "media group" picked Fox as having the fairest coverage in all the land, and was this before or after the body language expert analyzing Obama's "terrorist fist bump"?

  7. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Ooh, bad timing for VP's claim. The very same week that it was announced MSNBC beat Fox News in primetime for the first time, by about 10%, for the entire week of June 2-8.

    In the grudge match, Keith Olbermann's show surpassed "The O'Reilly Factor" in the 25-54 demo that determines ad dollars.

  8. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Crank. She's a bitch of a mistress.

  9. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Of course, people already divorced from everyday reality don't need drugs.
