Sunday, June 22, 2008

Mugabe wins, Zimbabwe and democracy lose - Fox News: "Mugabe's Opposition Pulls Out of Election, Paving Way for Dictator to Stay in Power"

More - From the Corner: "He [Mugabe's opponent] is quoted to the effect that the U.N. is supposed to protect him and guarantee fair elections. But somehow the U.N. didn't."


  1. I'm only surprised no one has found a way to blame all of this on Bush.

  2. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Oh, hush, you embittered dufus. You're the guy who thinks the media purposely underreports their hero Mugabe because they love that he sticks it to "whitey." And now you're going to ascribe imaginary bad reasoning to imaginary dummies? The last time I saw balls like that, Indiana Jones was running away from one.

  3. At least you didn't try the "bluey" comment again.

    What is happening in Zimbabwe is outrageous, yet is barely rates a mention. And obviously you don't care either. What's a million people dying when that serves to stick it to Whitey? If Mugabe came to your twon to be honored, you'd be first in line, unless of course you couldn't get away from Che-Fest or Stalinapoolooza.

  4. Anonymous7:48 PM

    You lovable kook. You're the one who took this horrible Mugabe news and immediately made it about your default snark and the Democrats who are going to beat your ass bloody in a few months (without machetes).

    Viking Pundit links to Mugabe story after Mugabe story, yet you still can't shake your conviction that the crisis "barely rates a mention" by the anti-white media. Instead, you sink DEEPER into your personal cartoonland to take a brave stand against the defining schism of 2008: the Cuban Revolution.

    Remember, folks, Republicans are the strong ones and Democrats are "unserious."

  5. Anonymous9:10 AM

    "Remember, folks, Republicans are the strong ones and Democrats are unserious."

    Thanks for pointing that out.

    With ringing endorsements from the likes of Castro, Qaddaffi & Kim Jong-Il, Obama is clearly the guy we want on watch.

  6. Anonymous9:32 AM

    I doubt the Media doesn't like reporting the current news of Zimbabwe because they want to stick it to Whitey and Mugabe is the guy doing it. No, the more likely reason is simply because people dying of hunger at the hands of a corrupt and megligent government doesn't make the kind of news that gets news shows the ratings. Africans dying of hunger at the hands of a corrupt and negligent government is more of the same news; the only thing which changes is the numbers of the dead and the percentage of inflation.

    And no one wants to look at the elephant in the room and say "hey, maybe white rule wasn't so bad after all".

  7. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Too bad Zimbabwe doesn't have lots of oil. We'd be in there like a shot, standing tall for the abiding principles of democracy and freedom.

  8. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Damn right we would, and they'd be a more prosperous nation for it.

    Liberals: Better for everyone to be equally miserable, than for anyone to succeed.

  9. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Bumper stickers: Maybe they're not your forte.

  10. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Yeah, you're right. What we really need is more hand-wringing and more mewing about how much more you 'care' than everyone else.

  11. Anonymous4:25 PM

    The Keyboard Kommandos: valiantly battling overseas repression, one message board post at a time.
