Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Mission accomplished

It looks like the glorious rule of Robert Mugabe will live on in Zimbabwe. From the Boston Globe: "Violence dooming revote in Zimbabwe"

Persistent violence by government agents and supporters in Zimbabwe is making it impossible to hold a fair presidential runoff election later this month, according to a report by Human Rights Watch.

In interviews with victims, the study detailed violence against opposition supporters across the country, with the creation of "no-go zones" in rural areas surrounded by roadblocks to prevent foreign journalists and human rights workers from witnessing the abuses.

The report said Zimbabwe was suffering the worst election violence in its history, overwhelmingly perpetrated by the ruling ZANU-PF party against activists and supporters of the opposition Movement for Democratic Change in advance of the June 27 runoff vote.
In the same article, a testament to the Second Amendment, and what happens when only the government has guns:

Zimbabwean military officers handed out a bullet to every villager called to compulsory political meetings in April, in an ominous threat that they should not vote opposition, according to the report.

"Each villager would be given a bullet to hold in their hands, then a soldier would say, 'If you vote for the MDC in the presidential runoff election, you have seen the bullets, we have enough for each one of you, so beware,' " the report said.
Robert Mugabe was a founding father of modern Zimbabwe, a modern-day George Washington. Now he's the poster child for the occasional virtue of assassination.


  1. Anonymous9:36 PM

    When oh when will the white liberal MSM start telling the public about Mugabe's thug tactics? This media blackout is a disgrace.

  2. Anonymous10:23 PM

    yeah... the coverage is.... underwhelming.... ...kzzznnzzzz..... wha...? huh...??... kzzznnzzzz.....
