Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The feeling is mutual - This emailer to the Corner is spot on. John McCain also "drives me crazy" on energy policy. (Earlier post here)

When the United States was shocked by the 1973 oil embargo, we were only importing 28% of our oil. And what have we learned from history? Nothing: oil imports now account for 55% of our total consumption. We have utterly outsourced our energy, and therefore economic, security to Hugo Chavez and the Al-Qaeda supporters in Saudi Arabia.

Heaven forbid we should disturb the caribou in ANWR and the 0.2% of the land we would have to develop for energy independence. Suck it up, America, and learn to love $5/gallon gas.


  1. John McCain has lost me, period. He not only isn't a conservative, he's not a Republican. He is not an alternate voice to O'Bama. So why vote for him at all, he's too old anyway.

  2. I have no faith in the pols until the loud voice of the American people are heard in the halls of congress.
    Check out and sign the 'Drill Here-Drill Now' petition that will be presented to Congress.

  3. I think McCain is far from the best, but he is all we have at the moment. Barry would have us look like the EU if given the chance!

  4. Anonymous4:29 PM


    You almost had me. I was buying it, right up until the "he's too old anyway" line. Remember, never overextend your fake persona - it's always a mnistake. Back to the Moby Seminar for you!
