Friday, June 06, 2008

Democrats trying desperately to orchestrate their own defeat

Have they gone insane? CNN: "Poll finds majority of Dems want Obama-Clinton ticket"

Right now, Obama is a slight favorite for the presidency and possibly he feels that the blue-collar vote would mobilize behind him if Hillary happened to be on the ticket. But traditionally people don't vote based on the Vice President and the downside is that nothing would mobilize Republicans to the polls like a Clinton on the ballot.

Also, this is the zenith of message mixing: Obama's whole campaign has been based on "change" and now you're resurrecting nostalgia for the Clinton years. Then there's the "too much history" angle that could turn off a lot of voters who (maybe) view the ticket as a big gimmick.

So, there's a minor upside to a Obama-Clinton team that comes with a much larger downside. I hope they do it!


  1. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Obama/Hillary/Billy-Jeff for triple-threat Secretary General

    It just ROLLS off the toungue!

  2. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Sadly you are assuming that the majority that would likely vote for this ticket would make the logical connection (or would care) that you have. They will not (or not want to enough that they won't) and the press will I am sure somehow redeem Hillary and great hosanah's will be sung to the "dream ticket" daily (hourly) in the press.
